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祝的英文翻译 祝英文怎幺说 祝的英文例句



    surname Zhu

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


为什幺要庆祝世界城市规划日?Why celebrate world town planning day?先祝贺你即将来临的婚礼My congratulations on your upcoming wedding.先祝你一帆风顺了!Wish you are plain sailing first!也许庆祝一下也不错…So maybe one celebration is okay...也祝你得到许多漂亮的礼物。Hope you get lots of nifty gifties.一群庆祝考试结束的微醉的学生闹得我们无法入睡。We were kept awake by a crowd of tipsy students celebrating the end of their exams.一位高级编辑起身祝酒A senior editor stood up and proposed a toast.伊吉斯:盛名远播的忒修斯公爵,祝您幸福!Egeus happy be theseus our renowned duke!以及淘气的老侏儒都在祝你万圣节快乐!And an old troll wish you a happy halloween!再次祝贺您的升迁。Congratulations on a well-deserved promotion.


为...而祝酒 raise a glass to

举杯祝 lift my glass to the health of; lift our glass to the health of; lift your glass to the health of

举杯祝健康 look toward

向...祝贺 congratulate on

向...祝酒 drink to; raise a glass to

向某人致祝词 offer ones congratulation to sb.

和...相互祝酒 take wine with; taken wine with; took wine with

庆祝活动 festivity

欢宴庆祝 push the boat out

欢闹庆祝 whoop it up; whoop things up

祝一切顺利 all the best

祝你成功 may you succeed

祝您成功! May you succeed

祝您长寿! May you live long

祝贺 gratulation; tipped your hat to

祝酒人 toaster

良好的祝愿 well wishing

节日的祝贺 compliments of the season

隆重庆祝 solemnization

