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    trade surplus
    favorable balance of trade

trade [treid]

    n.贸易,商业,交易,生意,职业,行业,[气]信风,顾客 vi.交易,买卖,经商,对换,购物 vt.用...进行交换

surplus [sә:plәs]

    n.剩余,过剩,[会计]盈余 adj.过剩的,剩余的 vt.转让,卖掉

favorable [feivәrәb(ә)l]


balance [bælәns]

    n.秤,天平,平衡,[商] 收支差额,结余,余额 v.平衡,称,权衡,对比,结算 n.资产平稳表


我国贸易出现出超(出口量大于进口量)Our trade is in surplus, ie We are exporting more than we are importing.表现出超人的力量或者能力。Displaying superhuman strength or power.当政府的支出超过收入时,它就只得借债。A government has to borrow money when its expenditure exceeds its income.我们不必举出超越的经验。21we Do not have to adduce this experience of the transcendental.氧化铁可用以制出超高燃速的推进剂。Iron oxide may be utilized in achieving propellants of ultrahigh burn rate.解析度、高度、宽度或品质方程的组合超出超出扫描器解析度最大值"Combination of resolution height width or quality factor exceeds maximum resolution of scanner"


出超 favorable balance of trade; favorable trade balance; favorable balance of trade export duties; excess of exports; export surplus; net outflow; positive balance; active balance of trade

出超和入超 excess of export over import and import over export

支出超过自己的财力 overspending

贸易出超 favorable balance of trade; favorable trade balance

