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传闻的英文翻译 传闻英文怎幺说 传闻的英文例句





rumor [ru:mә(r)]

    n.流言,谣言,传闻 vt.谣传,传闻


令人感到悲哀的是,这样一则粗俗无礼的传闻居然被报纸大肆报导,并且被写成了所谓的事实。It is sad that a scurrilous rumour made the newspapers and has been presented as fact.那个关于镇的主要街道的传闻真是难以置信。That's a tall story about the town's high streets.你听说过圣彼德堡有个传闻吗?Have you heard there's a rumour in saint petersburg?其所有城市中最大的一座就是多有传闻的廷巴克图。The greatest of all its cities was the fabled timbuktu.萨利纳斯带入故事说,%22传闻属实%22Salinas led into the story by saying "the rumors were true.时常有人透露这类传闻。Tales of this kind leak out from time to time.他们坚决地否认了最近关于他们婚姻出现问题的传闻。They have stoutly denied the recent rumours that there are problems with their marriage.他们十分遗憾地发现传闻居然属实。They discovered that unfortunately the rumour was only too true.我承认他确实性情急躁,但并不如传闻的那幺糟。I admit he is quick-tempered but he; not so black as he is painted.我能治百病的传闻是名不副实的。My reputation as a healer is undeserved.我听到他得了癌症的传闻。I've heard a whisper that he has cancer.有关各城市发生巷战和暴力事件的种种传闻。Rumours of street fighting and violence.


传闻 hearsay; rumor; talk

传闻一时的 on everyone''s tongue

传闻不是证据 Heresay is no evidence.

传闻规则 rule of hearsay

传闻证据 hearsay; hearsay evidence; second-hand evidence

