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传家宝的英文翻译 传家宝英文怎幺说 传家宝的英文例句




    family heirloom

family [fæmili]

    n.家庭,家族,家属,亲属,子女,僚属 adj.家庭的,家族的

heirloom [eәlu:m]



它本来是一个普通花瓶,为了装门面,她却说它是一件传家宝。It was an ordinary vase, but to save appearances, she said it was a family heirloom.群众是我们力量的源泉,群众路线和群众观点是我们的传家宝。And the mass viewpoint and the mass line are our cherished traditions.“五四”精神是中国青年的传家宝。The spirit of the may4th movement is the chinese youth's heirloom.“这是一件传家宝幺?"Is it an heirloom?"他们只有两件传家宝:一是他们说话算数的作风,二是他们残暴的性格。They had only two assets.their honor and their ferocity.他已经把房子卖掉了,但他决捨不得卖掉他的传家宝。He has parted with his house but he would not part with his heirloom for the world.王平,昨天你说的奥运会的“传家宝”指什幺?Wang ping what did you mean by saying "the heirloom of the olympics" yesterday?我已经把房子卖掉了,但我绝捨不得卖我的传家宝。I have parted with my house but I would not part with my heirloom for the world.这个珍贵的传家宝是代代相传的。This valuable heirloom has been passed down from generation to generation.这样一届一届传下去,就成了“传家宝”了。B: it was pa ed down one games after another it became an "heirloom".那是一个无价的传家宝It's a priceless family heirloom.

