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船货的英文翻译 船货英文怎幺说 船货的英文例句





cargo [ka:gәu]



海关扣押了全部的船货。The custom impound the whole cargo.船或运货车厢或者其他船货超过了预定时间的滞留。Detention of a ship or freight car or other cargo beyond its scheduled time of departure.法庭命令扣押该船货物。The court ordered the seizure of the shipment.即使他们见到陷入困境的卡车,它可以轮流里停止一列以最高的速度移动的船货火车。Even if they saw the trapped truck it could take miles to stop a freight train moving at top speed.这艘船今天将卸下它的船货。The ship will unlade her cargo today.


不定期航船货运指数 index of tramp shipping freights

前批装船货物 late shipment

劳氏船货保险单 Lloyd''s Ship Goods Policy

卸下船货 hoist down a cargo

失事船货管理人 wreck master

对船货有留置权 have a lien upon the cargo

对船货的留置权 lien on cargo

已装船货物 afloat cargo; afloat goods

把船货呈报海关 enter a ship

无故障船货提单 clean bill of lading

未到埠船货 floating cargo

未装上船货物 shut-outs

沉船货物 wreck

用航行中船货做抵押的贷借 gross adventure

盗用船货 plunderage

联运转船货条款 through cargo clause

船货 cargo

船货保险 insurance on cargo

船货保险单 freight policy

船货保险单标準格式 SG Policy

船货升降机 cargo lift

船货容量单 manifest of shipment

船货抵押 respondentia

船货抵押借款 respondentia

船货抵押借款,船货抵押债款 respondentia

船货抵押债券 respondentia bond

船货押款契约 respondentia bond

船货搬运装置 n. cargo handling gear

船货放行单 freight release FR)

船货清单 shipping bill; manifest

