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上楼的英文翻译 上楼英文怎幺说 上楼的英文例句



[shàng lóu]

    to go upstairs

upstairs [ʌpsteәz]

    adv.向楼上,在楼上,上楼 adj.楼上的


她上楼梯正走到一半。She was half-way up the stairs.我不睬这个小瘪三就上楼去了。I cut the little bounder and walked upstairs.我不是要阻碍你上楼,但是我不知道该做什幺。I didn't mean to embarrass you upstairs but I didn't know what to do.我端着早餐上楼,盘面上放着那个冻结实的小雪人,我期待着他的反应——As I delivered the tray complete with a nicely frozen snowman I waited for a reaction.吴荪甫异样地狂笑着,站起身来就走出了那书房,一直跑上楼去。Laughing hilariously wu sun-fu left the study and ran straight upstairs.奔上楼梯我气喘吁吁。I'm out of breath after running up the stairs.穿着他的睡袍楼上楼下跑。Upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown.而这绳梯本是在我的新婚之夜让他用来爬上楼和我相会,And this rope ladder! It was meant for him to join me on my wedding night.立即上楼,把东西放回去Now go upstairs and unpack.那小男孩儿走上楼去,还拖着他的玩具熊。The little boy went upstairs trailing his teddy bear behind him.这几个孩子听见那个杀人犯正一步步地走上楼来。The boys heard the murderer coming upstairs step by step.政府要优先安排几百户人家上楼And the government had to rehouse the families.走快或上楼梯时,他总是气促的。He always becomes short-winded when walking hastily or going up stairs.


上楼 go up stairs; go upstairs

上楼梯 step upstairs

步行上楼式公寓 walkup apartment

请...上楼 ask up

走上楼 walk upstairs

邀请上楼 have up

