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闯入的英文翻译 闯入英文怎幺说 闯入的英文例句




    to intrude
    to charge in
    to gate-crash

intrude [in'tru:d]

    vi.闯入,侵入 vt.强挤入,把(自己的思想)强加于人

charge [tʃa:dʒ]

    n.负荷,电荷,费用,主管,掌管,充电,充气,装料 v.装满,控诉,责令,告诫,指示,加罪于,冲锋,收费


警方预先通知大家防备有外人闯入。The police warn people to is on the watch for intruder.看门狗扑向闯入的人。The watchdog attacked the intruder.两名抢匪闯入偷走了300万元台币。Two robbers raided it and stole3million nt dollars.那对好管闲事的夫妇闯入我们的交谈。The nosy couple broke in on our conversation.窃贼闯入办公室偷走了零用现金。Two burglar break into the office and steal the petty cash.提丰:是谁胆敢闯入我的领地。Typhon: who dares to enter this place?小偷闯入了这幢大楼。Thieves broke into this building.一切都安谧与恬静。突然,沃尔特•克朗凯特蹒跚着闯入了画面。All was tranquility and repose.suddenly into the picture staggered walter cronkite.有人穿过街道闯入狙击手射击Someone broke into the service entrance of the building across the street有色人种没有闯入观众中。The colors don't intrude on the viewer.这次闯入禁区的犯规对山姆的球队非常有利。Lucky for sam's team it was a barging foul.这窃贼在他的同党缠住保安人员时闯入了办公室。The thief broke into the office while his accomplice stalled off the security guard.


严重闯入罪 felonious entry

匆匆闯入...处 rush into

擅自闯入 crash in

闯入 intrusion

闯入罪 crime of forcible entry

闯入者 intruder

