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上镜的英文翻译 上镜英文怎幺说 上镜的英文例句



[shàng jìng]

    on show

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映


相当上镜但竞选平台不牢的的女商人威禄在民调中领先。Ms yingluck a photogenic businesswoman with a shaky electoral platform is running ahead in polls.她怕上镜,因此不愿意让别人给她拍照。She's camera-shy and hates being photographed.波莉特有的、不上镜的忧郁表情。Polly's patent camera-unfriendly glum expression.可以说它也挺上镜的Very photogenic too if I may say so.你要给这张照片镶上镜框吗?Will you frame this photo?人们都说我很上镜Okay. I'm told that I'm very photogenic.他今天第一次上镜拍电视广告He acted in his first on-camera tv commercial today.我不这幺认为。噢,史蒂文,看看这张脸,他比其他的演员更上镜。I disagree. Oh steven just look at that face! He's more photogenic than any of the other actors.我要找的是个更上镜的I'm looking for somebody a little bit more photogenic.早上上镜闲扯是不容易Very tough to do a morning show this chitchatty kind of thing.

