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创办的英文翻译 创办英文怎幺说 创办的英文例句




    to establish
    to found
    to launch

establish [i'stæbliʃ]

    vt.建立,设立,安置,使定居,使人民接受,确定 v.建立

found [faund]



联合创办的印度马口铁公司。Tinplate company of india lid.要收回创办公司最初的费用得有一段时间。It takes a while to recoup the initial costs of starting up a business.摘要茅盾于1938年4月16日创办了半月刊《文艺阵地》并主编了前18期。Mao dun launched the semimonthly literary position in1938 and edited from the first18issues.这个是我们监狱创办的Lt is our recreation room.


以享受与创办人同样的权利参加 got in on the ground floor

公司创办人 incorporator

公司创办人,公司发起人 incorporator; company promotor

公司筹资创办人 floater

创办 origination; promotion

创办事业 business promotion; take on an enterprise

创办人 promoter; originator

创办人利润 founder''s profit

创办人股份 founder''s share; founder''s stock; promoter''s share; promoter''s stock

创办企业 establish a business; business promotion

创办企业时所发行的原始股票 original issue stock

创办企业筹款 floatation

创办利润 promoter''s profit

创办成员 charter member; charterer member

创办成本,创办费用 organization cost; initial cost; promotion expense

创办时期 initial stage

创办费 promotion money

创办费用 promotion expenses

创办资本 initial capital

创办资本投资 initial capital investment

创办资源 initial resources

挂名的公司创办人 dummy incorporator

法人创办人 founder of an artificial person; promotor of a legal person

股份公司创办人 company promoter

