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中学的英文翻译 中学英文怎幺说 中学的英文例句




    middle school

middle [mid(ә)l]

    n.中间,当中 adj.中间的,中部的

school [sku:l]

    n.学校,学院,学习,授课,求学,全体学生,学派 vt.锻炼,教育


在一所中学作完报告后,我应邀去看望一位特殊的学生。After giving a talk at a high school I was asked to pay a visit to a special student.中学毕业的最低年龄:The school-leaving age is the lowest age at which a erson can leave school.中学里超员情况十分严重。Overcrowding in secondary schools is pretty severe.中学生的早恋很少长久。Puppy love example: puppy love among high school classmates rarely lasts.中学生可以利用这种方法计算核反应的阈能问题。Middle school students can calculate threshold energy in this way.中学生每个学期都有一大堆繁重的课程负担。The middle school students have a heavy course load each term.中学西班牙语文或法国语文教育,Middle and secondary spanish or french education作为中学生和大学生,你有适宜的时间去经历你周围的世界。As a high school and college student you have the opportune time to experience the world around you.


中学同等学力证书 high-school equivalency certificate

中学建筑 secondary school building

中学校 high school

从经验中学习 learn by experience

职业中学 vocational middle schools; specialized middle schools; secondary vocational school

集中学习 massed learning

高等中学 seminary

