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传遍的英文翻译 传遍英文怎幺说 传遍的英文例句




    to spread widely

spread [spred]

    n.伸展,展开,传播,蔓延,酒席,宴会,桌布 v.伸展,展开,铺,涂,敷,摆,传播,散布

widely [waidli]



他这事的风声就传遍了犹太和周围地方。This news about jesus spread throughout judea and the surrounding country.她把这个流言传遍了全镇。She broadcasted the gossip all over the town.停业的谣言随着小道消息的散布很快传遍了工厂。The rumour of closure quickly spread through the factory by bush telegraph.很快,墨斯卡灵就传遍了每一根血管Soon the mescaline was pulsing through our veins.惊恐的感觉传遍他的全身。A thrill of alarm ran through him.据说,这种喊声会传遍整个山谷。It is said the shouts can reverberate throughout a mountain valley.欧米茄製錶工厂的名声很快传遍各地。The fame of the omega workshops spread very quickly.他的冒险经历都传遍了。His adventures have been whispered everywhere.他这事的风声就传遍了犹太,和周围地方。And this rumour of him went forth throughout all judaea and throughout all the region round about.我们猛攻的声音传遍战场。The clash of our onslaught hurtled across the field.我握着老师的手,一股热流传遍全身。I clasped my teacher's hand and felt a warm current coursing through my body.这消息很快传遍全城。The news soon spread all over the city.


传遍 am upon the table; are upon the table; gotten about; is upon the table; was upon the table; were upon the table

声音传遍 resound through

