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中小型的英文翻译 中小型英文怎幺说 中小型的英文例句




    middle-size and small-size


摘要船舶轴系的尾轴承是圆筒形径向滑动轴承,中小型船舶多採用油润滑的方式。The stern bearing of ship shaft is cylindrical journal bearing which is often ubricated by oil.中小型船只是由洋槐或无花果树製作的,因为古埃及不生长像松树或西洋杉这样的大树。However cedar was imported from lebanon to build large ships or those used by the pharaohs.寄居在其它腹足动物的弃壳中小型软体海生甲壳动物。Small soft-bodied marine crustaceans living in cast-off shells of gastropods.年内,工业贸易署全力推行“中小型企业营商友导试验计画”。The pilot mentorship programme for smes was in full operation in2001.中小型钢包整体浇注。Middle and small size ladles.


中小型 n. glacon

中小型企业 medium and minor enterprise

中小型企业基层单位 small and medium-sized establishment

中小型坯 billet

中小型水泥厂成套生产线 small and medium complete production line for manufacturing cement

中小型浮冰块 n. glacon

国际手工业及中小型企业协会 International Association of Crafts and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

大型企业和中小型企业同时并举,大中小企业并举 simultaneous development of large,medium-sized and small enterprises; develop big,medium-sized and small enterprises simultaneously

