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重伤的英文翻译 重伤英文怎幺说 重伤的英文例句




    seriously hurt
    serious injury

seriously [siәriәsli]


hurt [hә:t]

    v.刺痛,伤害,(使)痛心,(使)伤感情,危害,损害,受伤 n.伤痛,伤害

serious [siәriәs]


injury [indʒәri]



一位游客在森林边缘被棕熊咬成重伤。A tourist was heavily mauled by a brown bear at the edge of the forest.意图对人身体加以严重伤害而装置弹簧枪等"Setting spring gun etc. with intent to inflict grievous bodily harm"有个兵受到重伤,往我这走来One of the guys arrived in bad shape.…严重伤害圣母教会团结的争论。... That has so gravely impaired the unity of our holy mother church.没有明硅的迹象表明亚曆克斯受到其经历的严重伤害。There are no overt signs that alex has been seriously harmed by his experiences.他幸运地从事故中脱险,没受什幺重伤,只是颈部扭伤。Fortunately he escaped from the wreck with nothing more serious than whiplash.我认为自己免受重伤是幸运的。I count myself lucky to have escaped serious injury.引起某人严重伤害的罪行Crime of cause serious injury to someone


严重伤害 grievous injury

受重伤 be severely injured; sustain severe injuries

故意重伤谋杀罪 crime of assault with intent to commit murder

末受严重伤害而逃脱 escape with life and limb; escaped with life and limb

特别加重伤害罪 special aggravated bodily injury

给严重伤害 cut the throat of

致人重伤 cause serious injury to a person

负重伤 catch a packet; caught a packet; get a packet; got a packet; gotten a packet; stop a packet

重伤 serious injury

重伤事故 severe injury accident

重伤罪 mayhem

重伤鑒定标準 standard of severe injury certification

重伤风 bad cold

