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众人的英文翻译 众人英文怎幺说 众人的英文例句





everyone [evriwʌn]



在众人皆同意的表像下,必然有一些被误解或忽略的事。Behind all agreement lies something amiss.all seeming accord cloaks a lurking abyss.早已麻木的双腿似乎已经习惯了这样的山路,众人只是低头行走。All of us just walked lowering our heads our sackless legs seemed to get used to this hill road.这比起乙级(球赛)的观众人数还要多。That's bigger crowds than second division teams are getting.这家伙在光天化日之下刺杀公众人物This guy shot a public figure in broad daylight.真是可爱的东西,众人的抚摸令这些印着名人肖像的彩色小纸片光滑柔软。Lovely stuff soft from the touch of many hands bits of colored paper engraved with famous faces.镇长率领众人进入房子。The mayor leads them in.众人见状,都默然不语,陷入沉思中。After witnessing what happened everyone was speechless and lost in thought.众人将耶稣从该亚法那里解往总督府去,那时是清早。Then they led jesus from caiaphas into the praetorium and it was early morning.众人紧张地站立着。They are all standing tensely.众人就央求耶稣离开他们的境界。Then the people began to plead with jesus to leave their region.最终你就会熟练自信地在众人中周旋。Eventually you will circulate in large groups with skill and self-assurance.作为一个公众人物,我以一次错误的判断,给我的影迷们带来了严重的伤害与震惊。As public man I gave serious wound and shock to my fans because of one misjudgement.


一人为众人 one for all

为众人所知 came to light; come to light; comes to light

众人为一人 all for one

众人追求的职业 overcrowded profession

