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beam [bi:m]

    n.梁,桁条,(光线的)束,柱,电波,横樑 v.播送

rafters ['ræftəz]



这间屋子粗大的椽子可以看得见。The big rafter is visible in this room.他们从木椽上取下巨大的犀鸟雕像Where they take the giant hornbill statue down from the rafters.出头的椽子先腐烂。The rafters that jut out rot first.椽:支撑起一个斜屋顶的斜梁中的一根。Rafter: one of the sloping beams that supports a pitched roof.椽木支撑住屋顶的重量。Rafters carry the weight of the roof.大概在第一个椽木开始的地方About where that first rafter starts.建筑学上的融合见于高大的罗马式圆柱和哥特式椽尾梁拱形顶上。The architectural melting pot is seen in the tall romanesque columns the gothic hammervault roofing.墙里的石头必呼叫,木料中的椽子必应声。For the stone will cry out from the wall and the rafter will answer from the timber.沿着屋脊的横樑;为椽的上顶提供辅助。A beam laid along the ridge of a roof; provides attachment for upper end of rafters.有椽子,特别是有可以看见的椽子。Having the rafters especially having them visible.在两根椽子之间拉一条绳子。To stretch a rope between the two rafters.


大椽木 common rafter

小椽 jack rafter; sprocket piece

枸椽皮 citron peel

椽 rafter

椽上灰尘取样 raft sample

椽子 rafter

椽尾梁 hammer beam

檐椽 eave rafter

脑椽 upper rafter

花架椽 intermediate rafter

角椽 angle rafter

门底椽材 door edge member

顶椽 top rafter

飞檐椽 flying rafter

