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踹的英文翻译 踹英文怎幺说 踹的英文例句



    to kick
    to trample
    to tread on

kick [kik]

    v.踢 n.踢

trample [træmp(ә)l]

    n.踩踏,蹂躏 v.践踏,踩坏,轻视


快,踹死他!Come on kick his ass!晚餐时间,农场上的那个女孩子也会踹他。The farm girl also kicks him at dinnertime.(管原文作牧)要踹全能神烈怒的酒榨。"He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of god almighty.你的装扮为何有红色,你的衣服为何像踹酒榨的呢?Why are your garments red like those of one treading the winepress?诗91:13你要踹在狮子和虺蛇的身上、践踏少壮狮子和大蛇。You will tread upon the lion and cobra the young lion and the serpent you will trample down.主将犹大的处女踹踏,像在酒醡中一样。The lord has trodden as in a winepress the virgin daughter of judah.主将犹大居民踹下,像在酒榨中一样。In his winepress the lord has trampled the virgin daughter of judah.

