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晒乾的英文翻译 晒乾英文怎幺说 晒乾的英文例句



[shai gàn]

    to dry in the sun

dry [drai]

    adj.干的,乾燥的,口渴的 vt.(使)乾燥,(使)变干 v.乾燥

sun [sʌn]

    n.太阳,阳光,恒星 vt.晒 n.(Sun) 星期天(=Sunday) 美国Sun公司,主要生产SUN系列工作站和网路产品,是JAVA语言的创始者


一种法国豆,浅色的种子;通常晒乾。A french bean variety with light-colored seeds; usually dried.在阳光下晒乾吧!Come and dry off in the sun!葫芦製品将这些果实晒乾并掏空而製成的器皿或容器A utensil or container made from the dried hollowed-out shell of any of these fruits.泥土被太阳晒乾了。The soil was desiccated by the sun.肉质甜美、梨形的微黄色或紫色的多层果实,鲜果时食用,储存或晒乾后也可以食用。Fleshy sweet pear-shaped yellowish or purple multiple fruit eaten fresh or preserved or dried.晒乾的粉状的黑肉…The sun-dried powdered black meat...晒乾的砖块;晒乾的盐坪Sunbaked bricks; the sunbaked salt flats.甚至连牲口也看不见,儘管地上的脚印和晒乾了的牛粪表明他们不久前还到过这里。There were not even any cattle although tracks and sun-dried chips betrayed a recent presence.太阳晒乾了地上的潮气。The sun dries the moisture on the ground.太阳炙烤下的义大利南部,大火蔓延,被晒乾了的树林和田地都成了天然的燃料。In sunbaked southern italy fires raged as parched forests and fields turned to tinder.


晒乾 insolation

晒乾的长筒形鱼胶 n. pipe

晒乾砖 adobe brick

晒乾鱼 sun-dried fish

