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出钱的英文翻译 出钱英文怎幺说 出钱的英文例句



[chū qián]

    to pay

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算


他们出钱合买了一台彩电。They pitched in to buy a colour television.他们试图出钱使反对意见撤回,但没有成功。They tried in vain to buy off the opposition.他若能买得起豪华的快艇,就更能匀出钱来还债了。If he can afford a luxury yacht then a fortiori he can afford to pay his debts.我们大家出钱买生日礼物送给玛丽。Let's all chip in for a birthday present for mary.在银根紧的时候,我们借不出钱来。We can not borrow money during the present credit squeeze.这事一经确定,凯撒•布琪亚不久就又找到了出钱买红衣主教手下官职的人。Sar borgia soon found purchasers for their appointments.这一城堡废墟是古代的遗迹,政府出钱加以保存The ruins of the castle is an ancient monument which the government pays money to preserve.这一城堡废墟是古代的遗迹,政府出钱加以保存。The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument which the government pays money to preserve.职员们共同出钱买离别礼物送给餐厅女经理。The staff clubbed together to buy the canteen manageress a leaving present.买辆新车?别异想天开了。我现在拿不出钱来。A new car? You are asking for the moon. I can't afford it.请问这些钱是包括保险等等内容在内吗?还是公司另外出钱给买保险和公积金?Rmb xxxx pr.month including all social benefits insurances and housing fund.


免掉出钱 save one''s pocket

出钱 hand out

出钱作 put towards

出钱使免服兵役 buy out

出钱免除 buy over

拿出钱款 pony; up

由他们出钱 at their cost

由他出钱 at his cost

由你出钱 at your cost

由她出钱 at her cost

由我们出钱 at our cost

由我出钱 at my cost

说出钱等的用途 accound for

雇主与受雇人共同出钱的退休金 contributor pension

