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    the Chinese side (in an international venture)

chinese [tʃai'ni:z]

    adj.中国的,中国人的,中国话的,汉语的 n.中国人,中国话,汉语,中文

side [said]

    n.边,旁边,面,侧面,胁,一方,(一个)方面,摆架子 adj.旁边的,侧面的,副的,枝节的 vi.站在同一边

international [intә'næʃәn(ә)l]

    adj.国际的,世界的 n.国际性组织,国际比赛

venture [ventʃә(r)]

    n.冒险,投机,风险 v.冒险,冒昧,斗胆,胆敢(谦语)


考察小组成员包括加方项目主任戴美松女士和中方专案经理许勇先生。Group members include debra rasmussen canadian project director and xu yong chinese project manager.数值分析中三中方法求解,In the numerical analysis three center methods solve c-c危境之中方显英雄本色。Valour delights in the test.我们试图在节省资金和不损害品质之间找出一个折中方案。We're trying to strike a happy medium between saving money and compromising on quality.这是记忆体和速度之间的折中方案。The trade-off is between memory and speed.中方将为此继续做出不懈的努力。And the chinese side will continue to make its unremitting efforts to this end.


中方 the Chinese side

中方合作伙伴 Chinese partner

中方合作者 Chinese cooperator; Chinese partner

中方合营者 Chinese party to a joint venture

中方当事人 client of the Chinese side; the Chinese party

中方锉 medium square file middle square file

中方高级管理人员 senior Chinese executive personnel; senior Chinese executive officers

井中-井中方式 borehole-borehole variant

地面-井中方式 surface-borehole variant

外商投资企业中方职工 Chinese employees in foreign-funded enterprises

平方取中方法 mid-square method

震中方位角 epicenter azimuth

