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雏菊的英文翻译 雏菊英文怎幺说 雏菊的英文例句



[chú jú]


daisy [deizi]

    n.雏菊,第一流的,一流的人物 Daisy 戴西(女子名)


月季,山茶,雏菊,海棠。。。The china rose camellia daisy...澳洲西南一种像纸一样的开亮丽的粉红色雏菊状花冠的植物;可做乾燥剂。Flower of southwestern australia having bright pink daisylike papery flowers; grown for drying.雏菊一种黄色或白色野花,尤指欧洲的雏菊A yellow or white wildflower especially the old world daisy.穿着杂色衣服的小丑;多彩的沙漠;杂色的裙子;花斑马;杂色的雏菊。A jester dressed in motley; the painted desert; a particolored dress; a piebald horse; pied daisies.经常让你视野中的某些事物保持美丽,即使它只是插在一个果酱瓶中的一朵雏菊花。Put a beautiful marguerite in your visual field.控释肥cau3144f、compo对雏菊、矮牵牛、三色堇的应用效果显着。Crf of cau3144f was the most optimal for petunia compo for pansy and daisy respectively.南非和澳洲一种类似于毛髮的灌木,兰色放射形类似于雏菊的花冠。Hairy south african or australian subshrub with blue-rayed daisylike flowers.葡萄牙的一种类似于牛眼雏菊的多年生植物。Perennial of portugal similar to the oxeye daisy.他还说你喜欢oreo霜淇淋和白雏菊He also mentioned you like oreo ice cream and white daisies.她们正在採摘粉红色的雏菊和紫红色的紫藤,打算再摘些柑橘花柠檬花掺杂在一起。They were gathering the pink sulla purple wisteria mixing them with orange and lemon blossoms.一束骨瘦如柴的白色雏菊。她是那幺瘦弱。A truss of white daisy that can't be more emaciated.栽种多年生植物(如水仙花、雏菊、百合、福禄考、蝴蝶花等)的条形绿化带。Perennial border such as daffodil daisy lily phlox iris etc.


雏菊 English daisy, Bellis perennis L.又称"长命菊"。

