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锄的英文翻译 锄英文怎幺说 锄的英文例句



    a hoe
    to hoe or dig
    to weed

hoe [hәu]

    n.锄头 v.用锄耕地,锄

dig [dig]



这把锄头太笨。This is an awkward hoe.这把锄头我用着合适。This hoe will serve my turn.这园丁用锄头锄草。The gardener used a hoe to remove weeds.鲍勃用鹤嘴锄在坚硬的地面上挖掘。Bob pecked at the hard ground with a pickaxe.毒品贩子们已经被锄恶别动队擒住了。The drug dealers have been picked up by the vice squad.你草长,我就锄。If weeds grow we uproot them.权力的拙劣惯坏了钥匙,还利用了鹤嘴锄。The clumisiness of power spoils the key and usesthe pickaxe.首先,我没有犁,无法耕地;也没有锄头或铲子来掘地。First I had no plow to turn up the earth no spade or shovel to dig it.我看到小扬扛着两把锄头从旁走过。I saw xiao yang walking by shouldering two hoes.有一段时间,锄草和追肥有所忽略。For a time weeding and manuring were neglected.这是印度人的鹤嘴战锄,非常稀有They're maratha crow-biii war picks from india.very rare.


农用锄锹生产线 farm hoes production line

单轮手推锄 one-wheel hoe

叉锄 fork hoe hoe-fork

双轮手推锄 two-wheel hoe

园艺叉锄 garden fork and hoe set

尖嘴地锄 pickaxe

扁头鹤嘴锄 flat mattock

拖拉机锄车 hoe-tractor

掘根锄 grub hoe

旋转锄 rotary hoe

振动锄 vibro-hoe

曳引锄车 hoe-trac

滚筒式锄草机 cylinder-type chaff-cutter

灰锄 n. mud rake

用鹤嘴锄掘 pickaxe

硬木开山锄柄 hardwood handle for pickaxe

耙锄 kortick tool

轮式中耕锄 wheel-hoe cultivator

锄 hoe

锄地 hoe

锄头 hoe head

锄头柄 hoe handle

锄式开沟器 hoe furrow opener

锄形洁治器 hoe scaler

锄斧 Pulaski tool

锄耙联合工具 council rake

锄草机 grass-remover grass spader

锄车圆盘耙 hoe-trac disc harrow

锄车犁 hoe-trac plow

锄车镰刀排 hoe-trac sickle bar

