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[zhōng zhuāng]

    Chinese dress

chinese [tʃai'ni:z]

    adj.中国的,中国人的,中国话的,汉语的 n.中国人,中国话,汉语,中文

dress [dres]

    n.女服,童装,服装,衣服 v.(给...)穿衣


盘式磁带,卡带卷盘中装有磁带的盒子;卡式磁带A case containing magnetic tape in a reel; a cassette.色带盒用于印表机和电动打字机中,卷轴中装有色带的盒子A case containing a ribbon in a spool, for use in printers and electric typewriters.环室中装有五个或更多个搅拌机和一个径向折流板。Annulus is equipped with five or more agitators and a partial radial baffle.货车中装满了货物。The van was full of goods.集中装车时,控制每车料的数量基本相等。For centralized loading the loading quantity of each truck shall be controlled roughly the same.卫星中装有测量宇宙射线用的特种仪器。Special instruments for measuring cosmic rays are installed in the satellite.唱头留声机唱壁中装有唱针和变电圈的可移动的盒子A removable case containing the stylus and electric conversion circuitry in a phonograph pickup.通过生猪的集中装运降低运输成本。Reduce transportation costs through pooling loads of hogs.


对中装置 centering piece

强制对中装置 forced centring device

集中装药 concentrated charge一般指长度与直径之比小于4的装药。

集中装载 concentrated loads

集装箱中装站 container depot

