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重压的英文翻译 重压英文怎幺说 重压的英文例句



[zhòng yā]

    high pressure
    bearing a heavy weight

high [hai]

    n.高度,高处 adj.高的,高原的,高等的,高音的,傲慢的,高尚的,昂贵的,严重的 adv.高度地,奢侈地,高价地

pressure [preʃә(r)]


bearing [beәriŋ]

    n.轴承,关係,方面,意义,[pl.] 方向,方位

heavy [hevi]

    adj.重的,繁重的,巨大的,沉重的,阴沉的 adv.沉重地,笨重地,大量地 n.重物,严肃角色

weight [weit]



一句及时的话可能会拉平重压,A timely word may level stress在长期重压下而引起疲惫。Exhausted as a result of long-time stress.重压之下桥垮了。The bridge went under the heavy weight.伯33:7我不用威严惊吓你、不用势力重压你。Behold no fear of me should terrify you nor should my pressure weigh heavily on you.伯33:7我不用威严惊吓你、也不用势力重压你。"Behold no fear of me should terrify you nor should my pressure weigh heavily on you.经济衰退与移民潮的双重压力已经毫无疑问地刺激了排外情绪。The twin pressures of recession and immigration have undoubtedly fueled xenophobia.人民在赋税的重压下受折磨。The people groaned under the load of taxes.使负担或受压迫;重压To burden or oppress; weigh down.树干上的一个分枝在雪的重压下折断从高处掉了下来One of the offshoot of the trunk fall from high under the weight of the snow他们在赋税的重压下受折磨。They groaned under the load of taxes.这座桥在载重汽车的重压下坍塌了。The bridge gave way under the weight of the heavy truck.


三重压迫 be subjected to a) threefold oppression by imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism)

倾斜活塞静重压强计 inclined-piston dead-weight pressure gauge

受...的重压 weight with

成本—价格双重压力 cost price squeeze

涂层承重压力 soil-bearing pressure

贫困的重压 pinch of poverty

重压 bear down; weigh down

