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抽筋的英文翻译 抽筋英文怎幺说 抽筋的英文例句




    a cramp
    charley horse
    to pull a tendon

cramp [kræmp]

    n.抽筋,腹部绞痛,(pl.)月经痛 adj.狭窄的,难解的 vt.使抽筋,以铁箍扣紧

horse [hɔ:s]

    n.马,[总称]骑兵,脚架,马力 vi.骑马,作弄人 vt.使骑马,系马于

pull [pul]

    v.拉,拖,拔 n.拉,拖,拉力,牵引力


抽筋的话有可能是缺钙。Jerky word is to be short of calcium likely.卡罗尔早晨醒来时脖子抽筋了。Carol had a kink in her neck when she woke up this morning.妈妈告诉我,腿抽筋时就该起来走一走。Mama told me that whenever you get a charley horse you should get up and walk.那年轻女孩虽然因抽筋而一跛一拐的,但她还是勇敢地继续下去,终于在比赛中获胜。Lamed by a cramp the young girl limped on gamely and won the match.淌血会叫我的左手不抽筋。The bleeding may keep my left hand from cramping.推拿大腿可解除抽筋。Massaging your leg will ease the cramp.我们路上必须停下,因为他腿抽筋了We had to pull over because joe had a charley horse.我只是…腿有点抽筋Just got a cramp in my leg.你看起来象只抽筋的狗!You look like a spastic hyena!他有条狗,一闻到别人的鼻烟就抽筋Owns a dog that has a fit when it sniffs a snuff-box.我有结肠炎,现在正抽筋的利害Nell: I have a gamey colon and it gets spastic and spasms.

