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重提的英文翻译 重提英文怎幺说 重提的英文例句



[zhòng tí]

    to raise the same topic

raise [reiz]

    n.上升,高地,提出 vt.升起,唤起,提高,使出现,解除,饲养,筹集,使复活

same [seim]

    adj.同一的,相同的,无变化的,上述的,所谓 pron.同样的事物 adv.同样地

topic [tɔpik]



别总是旧事重提了。Don't always rake up the old stories.缆车、索道牵引、斜井卷扬、船舶、监井、张拉吊桥、各种起重提升、牵引。Liftin or towing for cable car cableway ship opeining bridge hoisting in inclined shaft.娜美的到来引起所有镇居民的注意,老冲突旧事重提,和引起了新的情感矛盾。Her arrival sets the whole town abuzz wakes up old conflicts and sets off new emotional storms.我们在前面已着重提到民粹主义理论中的折衷主义。We have noted before the eclecticism of the populist theories.本丛书侧重提供新技术。The series aims at the presentation of new techniques.关于职权範围,它愿意重提一项提案。Regarding the terms of reference it offered to revert with a proposal.他演讲到一半,又重提失业问题。In the middle of his speech he revert to the unemployment issue.我不想旧事重提,但我在那导盲犬身上花了$3000I hate to bring it up again but I spent$ 3000on that seeing eye dog.重申一项命令、重複一个问题、重提一个建议。Reiterate a command question offer etc重提他犯罪记录的丑事有什幺用处?What was the point in raking up all that muck about his criminal record?


有意旧事重提 dragged up

纬二重提花织物 figured weft double cloth

重提 fall back upon; rake up

