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重税的英文翻译 重税英文怎幺说 重税的英文例句



[zhòng shuì]

    heavy tax;heavy duty

heavy [hevi]

    adj.重的,繁重的,巨大的,沉重的,阴沉的 adv.沉重地,笨重地,大量地 n.重物,严肃角色

tax [tæks]

    n.税,税款,税金 vt.对...徵税,使负重担,指控,责备


工业为重税所累Industry is heavily burdened with taxation.烟酒在他们的国家都被课以重税。Tobacco and alcoholic drinks are taxed heavily in their country.在旧社会农民被重税压得喘不过气来。In the old days the peasants were weighted down by heavy taxes.重税于国民不愿意辛勤工作。Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard.面对高通涨及重税,工人难以以收缩了的工资为生。Facing high inflation and heavy taxation the worker can hardly live on their shrunken wages.政府对奢侈品课以重税。The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.重税使小公司经济非常拮据。Small businesses are being squeezed by heavy taxation.不要对我们机构苛以重税。Don't overtax my constitutents!


三重关税率,三重税,三重税则 treble tariff

三重税率 treaty tariff

两重税 double taxation

二重税 double tariff

以双重税收作保证的市政公债 double-barreled bond

以多重税收作为保证的市政公债 double barreled bond

免征双重税 no double taxation

免除重税 take off a heavy tax

双重税 double taxation

双重税收管辖权 double taxation jurisdiction

双重税率 double tariff

双重税率制 double tariff; double tariff system; two-rate system; maximum and minimum tariff system

双重课税免除,双重税款减免 double taxation relief

四重税则 quadruple tariff

多重税 multiple tariff

多重税制 multiple taxation

徵收重税 soak

课以重税 impose a heavy duty on; levy a heavy tax on

课征重税 heavy taxation

避免双重税收协定 international agreement on prevention of double taxation

重税 heavy tax

