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色鬼的英文翻译 色鬼英文怎幺说 色鬼的英文例句



[sè guǐ]

    sex maniac

maniac [meiniæk]

    adj.发狂的,癫狂的,疯狂的 n.[医]燥狂(症)者,疯子,一种高速电子数位计


放开我, 你这老色鬼!Let go, you randy old goat!据说他是调情色鬼。They say he's a terrible flirt.唉,你是知道威廉这个色鬼的,他总是拈花惹草。Well you know william always leching after some woman or other.你个色鬼,别再到处瞎溜了!Don't roam about you lecher!你可以记住我的话,他是个硬心肠的老色鬼You can take my word for it he was a hard-hearted randy old sod.他是个老色鬼。He's an old goat.一个色鬼还是饿鬼?An erotomania or a starving ghost?爸爸,什幺是女色鬼?Daddy what's a nympho?嗨亨利,俄亥俄来的那个女色鬼怎幺样了?Hey honah lee? How's that hot wahine nympho from ohio?哦,女色鬼是俄亥俄州的州鸟。Oh.the nympho is the state bird of ohio.谁会想到他会是个老色鬼?Who would have thought he was a sugar daddy?他有貌似天使般的面孔,实际上是个大色鬼。He has face like an angle but he's really a terrible wolf.一个酒徒色鬼竟然摇身一变就成了道学先生。The transition from libertine to prig was so complete.

