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扫帚的英文翻译 扫帚英文怎幺说 扫帚的英文例句





broom [bru:m]

    n.扫帚,[植]金雀花 vt.扫除


有他这颗扫帚星,什幺事情都办不成。With a comet like him nothing can be accomplished.长柄细枝扫帚:一捆细枝固定于一长柄上,用作扫帚。Besom: a bundle of twigs attached to a handle and used as a broom.被称为子宫扫帚巴德兰德巴德As the womb broom badalandabad高大禾木因其坚挺、伸长的圆锥花序被用来作扫帚和刷子。Tall grasses grown for the elongated stiff-branched panicle used for brooms and brushes.哈里买了一个新的扫帚。Harry bought a new broom.好吧,哈里•波特光轮2000是个扫帚…Well the harry potter nimbus broom2000was a broom...喀嚓一声,她用膝盖折断了扫帚柄。She broke the broom handle over her knee with a loud snap.你就叫他拿扫帚?So you tell him to push a broom?骑在扫帚上和巫婆一起飞,小猫咪很快就吓昏了。Riding on the witches broom and a take-off small kitty soon fall by.扇叶树头榈粗造的树叶纤维,用于制刷子和扫帚。Coarse leaf fiber from palmyra palms used in making brushes and brooms.使用橡胶扫帚擦,比如窗户。Wipe with a squeegee as of a window.所以我手拿扫帚,爬上斜坡。So I with my push broom in hand climbed the ramps.新扫帚扫得净。A new broom sweep clean.因为他带的是飞行“墩布”而不是扫帚He had a flying mop instead of a broom and uh在清扫夫前推动的宽扫帚。A wide broom that is pushed ahead of the sweeper.


小扫帚 whiskbroom

扫帚 broom

扫帚把 broom handle broomstick

扫帚车 broom cart

机动扫帚 motor sweeper

棕扫帚 palm broom

棕骨扫帚 palm leaf rib broom

椰壳纤维扫帚 cocoanut broom

椰子皮扫帚 coir broom

竹扫帚 bamboo broom

芒花草扫帚 broom made of Mang-hua grass

铁芒花扫帚 broom made of Tie-mang-hua grass

马鬃扫帚 horse hair broom

高粱穗扫帚 broom made of Gaoliang straw

