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重货的英文翻译 重货英文怎幺说 重货的英文例句



[zhòng huò]

    deadweight;deadweight cargo




所有超重货物的材料流程表。A material flow diagram for all heavy lifts.


净重货运密度 net-ton-kilometers per kilometer of line

凭重量算运费的重货 dead weight

双重货币 double currency

双重货币债券 dual currency bond

双重货币制度 two-tier monetary system

双重货币帐户 dual currency account

双重货币记录 dual currency record

呆滞重货 dead weight cargo; dwc

呆重货 n. dead-weight cargo

沉重货物 dead weight cargo

注重货价 price oriented

特重货物 heavy cargo; heavy lifts

笨重货 awkward and lengthy cargo; awkward cargo; bulky cargo

笨重货物 measurement goods; measurement cargo

装运特重货物的船舶 sampson ship

计重货物 weight cargo

贵重货物 valuable cargo

贵重货舱 n. treasure room

起重货物 starting parcel

超重货物 dead weight cargo; heavy lift cargo

超重货物附加费 extracharge on heavy lifts

超长超重货 long and heavy cargo

超长超重货物 long and heavy goods

轻重货物的配装 match loading of light and heavy goods

重型起重货船 n. heavy-lift ship

重货 deadweight cargo; heavy-weight cargo

重货清单 heavy cargo list

重货船 heavy cargo carrier

重货轮 heavy fit cargo ship

错报笨重货物重量 misstate weight of cumbersome goods

