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搔的英文翻译 搔英文怎幺说 搔的英文例句



    to scratch
    old variant of 骚|骚

scratch [skrætʃ]

    n.乱写,刮擦声,抓痕,擦伤 vt.乱涂,勾抹掉,擦,刮,搔,抓,挖出 vi.发刮擦声,搔,抓 adj.打草稿用的,凑合的

old [әuld]


variant [veәriәnt]

    adj.不同的 n.变数


猴子们经常互相搔痒。Monkeys often titillate each other.巴尼若有所思地搔了搔下巴。Barney scratched his chin reflectively.不要在公共场合打嗝或乱搔痒;Doesn't belch or scratch in public;哈里斯搔搔他乱蓬蓬的头髮。Harris scratched his uncombed hair.杰克逊在懒洋洋地搔痒。Jackson was sleepily scratching himself.王和甫搔着头皮迟疑地说,眼睛望着吴荪甫那紧绷绷的脸。Wang ho-fu scratched his head and looked hesitantly at wu sun-fu whose face was tense.不过,讲到这一点,史丹若有所思地搔搔他的耳朵。But at this point stane scratched his ear meditatively.船长斯皮蒂开始搔起头来了。Captain speedy began to scratch his head.那只狗在搔痒。The dog was scratching itself.他紧张地搔着腕部残肢。He scratched the stump of his wrist nervously.这只狗总是在搔痒。This dog is always scratching.


搔 paw

搔反射 scratch reflex

搔头皮 scratch her head; scratch his head; scratch my head; scratch our head; scratch their head; scratch your head

搔洛铬绿V150 solochrome green V150

植被搔碎机 reforestation scarifier

