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三原的英文翻译 三原英文怎幺说 三原的英文例句




    Sanyuan county in Xiányáng 咸阳|咸阳

county [kaunti]



减色法三原色是青绿色、品红和黄色;The subtractive primaries are cyan magenta and yellow;减色法三原色是青绿色、品红略带紫色的粉红色和黄色;The subtractive primaries are cyan a bluish green magenta a purplish pink and yellow;这些染料色是加色法的三原色红、绿、蓝的相互补充。These dye colors are the complementary colors to the three additive primaries of red green and blue.与加色法三原色互为补色的颜色为减色法三原色。Complementary to the three additive light primaries there are three subtractive primaries.


三原型 triarch

三原子的氢 hyzone

三原标粘胶长丝 Miharahyo

三原标粘胶长丝 Miharahyo

三原色 three primary colors

三原色图像 bgr images

三原色比色计 trichromatic colorimeter

三原色油墨 three-colour printing ink

三原色法 color process; three-colour process

三原色係数 trichromatic eoefficient

三原色觉学说 trichromatic theory

公司法人三原则 three doctrines of corporation

内外销关係三原则 three principles on the relationship between export commodities and those for domestic market

减色法三原色 subtractive primarys

华盛顿三原则 the Three Rules of Washington

普惠制三原则 three GSP principles; three principles of generalized system of preferences

资本三原则 three doctrines of capital

