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沖淡的英文翻译 沖淡英文怎幺说 沖淡的英文例句




    to dilute

dilute [dai'lju:t; (-) dai'lju:t]

    v.沖淡,变淡,变弱,稀释 adj.淡的,弱的,稀释的


他哥哥的失败沖淡了他自己成功的喜悦His brother's failure took the edge off his own success.这是沖淡它的影响的唯一办法。That is the only way to water down its influence.调酒饮料一种饮料,如苏打水或姜汁啤酒,用以沖淡酒精饮料A beverage, such as soda water or ginger ale, used in diluting alcoholic drinks.未用白色、黑色或灰色沖淡的颜色的色调和色饱和度的度量。The measure of hue and saturation of a colour, undiluted with white, black or grey.向溶液中兑水来沖淡它。Add water to a mixture to dilute it.在现实生活中,我们所积累的全部经验会沖淡任何一个单一事件对我们的影响。In real life all of our collective experiences dilute the impact of any single one.这一浓缩不会被媒介所沖淡。This concentration is not dissipated by agents.朴素的音乐的沖淡、柔和的魅力。Faded pastel charms of the naive music.时间可以沖淡最强烈的悲伤。Time tames the strongest grief.


产权沖淡 equity dilution

沖淡 desaturation; thinning; watering

沖淡了的 watereddown

沖淡比 collapsing ratio

沖淡的 liquefactive

用...沖淡 dilute with

长江沖淡水 Changjiang Diluted Water, Changjiang River Plume

