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中段的英文翻译 中段英文怎幺说 中段的英文例句



[zhōng duàn]

    middle section
    middle period
    middle area

middle [mid(ә)l]

    n.中间,当中 adj.中间的,中部的

section [sekʃ(ә)n]


period [piәriәd]

    n.时期,学时,节,句点,週期,(妇女的)经期 adj.过去某段时期的 int.没有了


她的骰骨和锤骨中段都有磨损Both her cuboid and medial malleolus show signs of wear.胆管中段狭窄7例,均行erbd成功;7cases Had stricture in middle segment of the bile duct which were handled with erbd;东环路中段用英语怎幺说呀?The east ring road center?结论cdfi诊断输尿管中段结石有一定实用价值。Conclusion cdfi is practically valuable in diagnosis of stones in the central section of the ureter.路的中段将集中展现历史民居风貌。The middle section of the street will be a showcase of historical civilian residences.美国海基中段防御系统。Sea-based midcourse defense system in u.s.a.吐哈盆地南缘斑岩铜矿带位于中亚造山带东天山的中段。The eastern tianshan porphyry copper belt is located on the southern margin of tuha basin.


中段 middle piece, connecting piece

中段 intermediate mesoderm

中段 middle piece, connecting piece

在...中段 at the middle of

尾中段 middle piece, midpiece

用力呼气中段流量 forced expiratory flow during middle half of FVC, FEF25-75%

船身中段 n. midship section

船身中段係数 n. midship section coefficient

船身中段面积 n. area of midship section

