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冲刺的英文翻译 冲刺英文怎幺说 冲刺的英文例句




    to sprint
    to spurt
    to dash

sprint [sprint]

    v.疾跑 美国着名的通讯公司

spurt [spә:t]

    n.(液体等的)喷射,冲刺 vt.(液体等) 喷射 vi.(液体等) 喷出,迸发,冲刺


骑士们骑马持矛相互冲刺。The knights tilted at each other on horseback.谁在赛跑的最后直线冲刺中领先?Who's in the lead coming down the homestretch?把这一腾跃和冲刺式助跑结合起来。Combining this spring with a sprinting run-up.冲刺过程是非线性的和可变的。Sprints are nonlinear and flexible.冲刺阶段是一个完全根据经验的过程。The sprint phase is an empirical process.乔治看见那个记录保持者正在向终点线拼命冲刺。George saw the recordholder pushing hard for the finish line.所以你得对我一直冲刺好让你达到高潮?So you're pumping me full of spirulina so you can come?他们现在正努力作最后冲刺。They're now exerting for a final spurt.他们正在努力作最后冲刺。They are now exerting for a final spurt.她在最后的冲刺中取得胜利。She won in a sprint finish.我们以花式步法力图避开典型的苏联冲刺。We sought to parry the characteristic soviet lunge with fancy footwork.在长程冲刺情况决定结果的比赛中,无氧耐力是胜利的基础。Anaerobic endurance is fundamental to races in which long sprints determine suc? Cess.这位跑步者朝终点全力冲刺。The runner dashed toward the finish at full speed.最后再冲刺一下就到了Give a sprint at the end.


冲刺 tilt at

电脉冲刺激法 electric pulse stimulation

短阵快速脉冲刺激 burst stimulation

