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虚线的英文翻译 虚线英文怎幺说 虚线的英文例句




    dotted line

dotted [dɔtid]


line [lain]

    n.绳,索,线路,航线,诗句 vt.排成一行,顺...排列,划线于,使有线条,使起皱纹 vi.排队


请在虚线上签名。Sign your name on the dotted line.好吧,先生,如果你在虚线上签个名的话,这辆小车就是你的了。"Now, sir, if you will just sign on the dotted line the car becomes."名字填在虚线上。Write your name on the dotted line.我在它尾巴周围画上了很多晃动的虚线,因为这尾巴在有些时候…I put jiggly lines around the tail because sometimes the tail behaves...沿虚线切下条杆。Cut off bar along the dotted line.沿着虚线在卡纸上刻痕,然后把纸折叠。Score the cardboard along the dotted line and then fold it.红色虚线显示海风锋的位置。The red dotted line indicates the sea breeze front.将档编号作为可按虚线撕下的标籤贴到更换用零件上!The documentation number is attached to the replacement part as a tear-off sticker.每个虚线边框都代表一个单独的视觉説明。Each dotted border represents a separate visual aid.相关的补充条款以下划虚线标明。The relevant additional provisions are indicated by broken underlining.


单虚线 single peck line

双虚线 double line of pecks

可按虚线撕下的纸片 tear off; tearoff

在虚线上签名 sign on the dotted line

在虚线上签字 sign on the dotted line

无虚线提花织物 floatless pattern cloth

点划虚线 chain dot line; dash and dot line; dot and dash line

点划虚线刻绘仪 dot dash graver

点虚线 dot line; dropped dot; pecked line; stipple line

短划虚线 dash line; long dotted line; short peck line

绘虚线 dashed-line plotting

虚线 imaginary line; dotted line

虚线曲线 dotted curve

虚线等高线 dashed contour line; dashed land line

虚线等高线图 dashed-line contour plot

虚线轮 dotting wheel

长划虚线 long peck line

