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沖进的英文翻译 沖进英文怎幺说 沖进的英文例句



[chōng jìn]

    break in
    burst in
    force into

break [breik]

    n.休息,暂停,破裂,突变 v.打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变

burst [bә:st]

    v.爆裂,炸破,急于,爆发 n.突然破裂,爆发,脉冲

force [fɔ:s]

    n.力量,武力,精力,魄力,势力,暴力,[複]军队,影响力 vt.强制,强加,(用武力)夺取,促使,推动,施加压力


在警卫沖进来以前只要五秒钟就够了。There would be perhaps five seconds before the guard could rush into the cell.在他们的后面,工兵沖进了反坦克壕。Behind them engineers filled in the antitank ditch.卡车滑下小山,沖进一家商店的橱窗。The truck ran down the hill and into a shop window.狼发疯般不顾一切地沖进灌木林。The old wolf dashes regardless into the bush.他沖进房间,脸色通红,气喘吁吁。He burst into the room red-faced and out of breath.他一阵闪电雷鸣沖进了塞墨勒的闺房。With thunders and lightnings he entered thechamber of semele.她沖进房间告诉我们这个消息。She rushed into the room to tell us the news.天使不敢行走处,傻子一步沖进去。Fools rush in where engels fear to tread.我乐不可支地沖进客厅。Happily I rushed to the salon.消防队员沖进去了,是谁在领导他们?Firemen rush in and who's leading them?雨水把表层土壤沖进河流和沙地,Rainwater washes topsoil into rivers and sands总有一天会在盛怒之下沖进来的那个怒气冲冲的偏执狂患者。An angry paranoid who will rush in one day in a rage.


沖进 charge into; dash in; dash into; plunge into

沖进...处 rush into; tilt into

急速沖进 flounce in

飞似地沖进 dart into

