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寻求的英文翻译 寻求英文怎幺说 寻求的英文例句




    to seek
    to look for

seek [si:k]


look [luk]

    n.看,注视,脸色,面容,外表 vi.看,注意,朝着,好象,显得 vt.打量,注视,用眼神(或脸色)表示,期待


寻求政治庇护的难民人数最近有所增长。The number of refugees seeking political asylum has risen recently.寻求最小阻力的途径。Seek the path of least resistance.也许我们一生都是寻求食物的乞丐吧。We are a moocher in this world to find the food.一个光为寻求刺激而杀人的心理变态狂人。A raving psycho who kills just for kicks.伊拉克政府正寻求对宗派主义者叛乱镇压的援助。The iraqi government is asking for help to quell sectarian violence.再也没有人有兴趣购买粗製滥造的房子,大家都在寻求品质。No one's interested in buying ticky-tacky houses anymore.they are looking for quality.值得拥有、寻求或者达到。Worth having or seeking or achieving.


从...中寻求 seek from

刺激—寻求论 stimulation-seeking theory

去寻求 go after

向国外寻求 look abroad for; look around for

寻求 in quest of; in search of; made a search after; make a search after; make a search for; maken a search after; maken a search for; makes a search after; makes a search for

寻求...的看法 say to

寻求友谊 cultivate her friendship; cultivate his friendship; cultivate my friendship; cultivate our friendship; cultivate their friendship; cultivate your friendship; cultivated her friendship; cultivated his friendship; cultivated my friendship

寻求工厂需要的设备 finding necessary factory equipment

寻求庇护 took shelter

寻求庇护求助于求安慰于 take refuge in

寻求庇护者 asylum seeker

寻求理想工作 job hunting

寻求目标 goal seeking

感觉寻求 feeling finding

最优寻求法 optimum seeking methods

负反馈和寻求目标 negative feedback and goal seeking

非寻求的商品 unsought goods

