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置之不理的英文翻译 置之不理英文怎幺说 置之不理的英文例句




    to pay no heed to; to ignore; to brush aside (idiom)

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

no [nәu]

    n.否定,投反对票者 adj.没有,不许,反对 adv.不,并不,毫不 [域] Norway ,挪威

heed [hi:d]

    n.注意,留意 v.注意,留意

ignore [ig'nɔ:(r)]


brush [brʌʃ]

    n.刷子,毛刷,画笔 vt.刷,掸,拂


公司对他的建议置之不理。The company gave his proposal the deep six.经销处对我的建议置之不理。The agency gave my suggestions the deep six.拉尔夫对杰克的问题置之不理。Ralph ignored jack's question.你们不能自做主张,把事情置之不理You don't just go off half-cocked doing whatever you want.他满腔热情地拜读了勃朗宁的作品,而对丁尼生则根本置之不理。He read browning with enthusiasm and turned up his well-shaped nose at tennyson.他们对我们的要求置之不理,这使我们大家都很气愤。They turned a deaf ear to our demands which enraged all of us.我决定对你的弦外之音置之不理I'll ignore the implication of your question detective.毫无疑问委员会对他的肤浅之见会置之不理的。No doubt the committee will wave aside his nearsighted views.那妖魔对他的乞求置之不理。The ogre did not listen to pinocchio's pleas.三姆粗暴地对此问题置之不理。Sam rudely ignored the question.她对他的烦恼置之不理。She waved his worries aside.这呼吁如此措词,使我感到责任重大,不易置之不理。So worded could not be set aside without a grave responsibility.


对...置之不理 not give a hoot about; shut one''s eyes to; wave aside

置之不理 leave alone

