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巡逻艇的英文翻译 巡逻艇英文怎幺说 巡逻艇的英文例句



[xúnluó tǐng]

    patrol boat

patrol [pә'trәul]

    v.出巡,巡逻 n.巡逻

boat [bәut]

    n.小船,艇 v.划船


快速巡逻艇迅即赶上那艘旧货船The fast cruiser soon overhauled the old cargo boat.稳定索,分隔索赛艇或巡逻艇上的支索,为防止斜桁的张力而用于稳定桅杆A stay for racing or cruising vessels used to steady the mast against the strain of the gaff.巡逻艇奉命留在那快要沉没的船只附近,以便进行救助。The patrol boat was ordered to stand by the sinking ship.警察局的一艘巡逻艇招呼我们停下。A police patrol boat hailed to us to come to.稳定索,分隔索赛艇或巡逻艇上的支索,为防止斜桁的张力而用于稳定桅杆。A stay for racing or cruisingvessels used to steady the mast against the strain of the gaff.朝巡逻艇被指闯入韩国领海A north korea patrol boat infiltrated into south korea waters巡逻艇上的五星红旗在夜色中飘扬。Patrol boat's five-star red flag flaunting in night.巡逻艇用处很多,能随时应付任何情况。A patrol boat is a sort of maid of all work ready to do anything.长官,是南韩的护卫舰和巡逻艇,速度15哩Sir it's a north korean frigate and patrol boat speed15knots.


巡逻艇 guard boat

巡逻艇信号 patrol boat signal

渔业巡逻艇 n. fisheries patrol boat

猎潜巡逻艇 patrol chaser

