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迟早的英文翻译 迟早英文怎幺说 迟早的英文例句




    sooner or later

sooner ['sunɚ]


later [leitә(r)]

    adj.更迟的,更后的 adv.稍后,随后


根据平均律,你可以有把握地认为,你迟早会遭到撬窃的。The law of averages you can safely assume that you will be burgled at some time.假如他自己不多保重身体,迟早会翘辫子。If he does not take care of himself he may kick the bucket sooner or later.你迟早会失败的。You will fail in time.我早就认为他迟早会露出马脚来的。I thought he would show the cloven hoof sooner or later.习惯于超车的驾驶员迟早要出车祸。Drivers who habitually cut in are bound to cause accidents sooner or later.一种迟早会产生新结果和新幸福的新生活方式。A new way to live which in time will bring forth new results and new happiness.这场风波迟早要来。This disturbance would have occurred sooner or later.这份家业迟早要凋败在那几个好吃懒做的儿子手里。The family property will be exhausted by those parasitic sons before long.你迟早会倒向这边或那边,不能只是採取骑墙态度。Sooner or later you'll have to come down on one side or the other; you can't just sit on the fence.他欺骗了安德伍德,安德伍德扬言迟早要报复。He cheated underwood and underwood threatened to pay him back sooner or later.他有点钱,他迟早会有用He's got a few quid. He'll come in handy.我们确信,石块迟早会把油箱砸个洞或者把发动机击坏。We felt sure that sooner or later a stone would rip a hole in our petrol tank or damage the engine.


只不过是迟早而已 am only a question of time; are only a question of time; is only a question of time; was only a question of time; were only a question of time

迟早 in time; some time or other

迟早会有用 came in handy; came in useful; come in handy; come in useful

