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    surname Chong

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼


以崇尚科学为荣、以愚昧无知为耻,Glory in pursuing science; take ignorance and unenlightened to be a disgrace.因为我非常崇拜罗达,所以才这幺心烦意乱。Because I idolized rhoda I'm so upset.印度教三大流派之一:崇拜毗瑟挐。Worship of vishnu one of the3chief gods of the hindu pantheon.在异教中,女人被当作通向天堂之路来崇拜In paganism women were worshiped as a route to heaven...在印度的社团成员仍然在太阳神庙内崇拜。The members of the community still worship in sun temples in india.众议院新议员是金里奇的“突击队”,在他们中间对议长的崇敬之情也下降了。Among house freshmen--gingrich's "shock troops '--regard for the speaker has slipped.


个人崇拜 culprit of personality

因...而崇敬 adore for

宣扬并推崇产品 sales presentation

对...充满崇敬的心情 be filled with veneration for

对...极其崇拜 fall all over

尊崇 enthrone in

崇尚 put somthing at a premium

崇拜 make an idol of

崇拜偶像 bow the knee to baal

崇明红豆 Tsungming origin red bean

崇高 sublimity

当...崇拜 adore as

技术崇拜 technolatry

把...当作崇拜的物件 put on a pedestal

把...当成偶象崇拜 set on pedestal

把...视作偶像崇拜 put someone on a pedstal

推崇 cried up; enthrone in

狂热地把...当偶像崇拜 whore after

盲目崇拜 make a perfect fetich of

表示崇敬 do homage to

金钱崇拜 mammon worship

