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巡游的英文翻译 巡游英文怎幺说 巡游的英文例句



[xún yóu]

    to cruise
    to patrol

cruise [kru:z]

    vi.巡游,巡航 n.巡游,巡航

patrol [pә'trәul]

    v.出巡,巡逻 n.巡逻


vpd_3是巡游电子弱铁磁体吗?Is vpd_3a weak itinerant ferromagnet?打拍者巡游演出中站在一端敲击骨制或木制响板的人。Flat clappers made of bone or wood originally used by the end man in a minstrelshow.我儿子为我支付了去希腊诸岛巡游的全部费用,My son gave me an all-expenses-paid cruise to the greek islands.巡行,巡游帝王在其王国里的有仪式的旅程A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm.压轴巡游演出中的最后艺人The end man in a minstrel show.压轴巡游演出中的最后艺人。The end man in a minstrelshow.旅游花车大巡游下月现身广州。Travel float patrol to show up in gz in nov.那个明星和她的经纪人乘汽车巡游全国在今天到达。The star and her manager drive in today from their motor tour across the country.王后今天到多伦多巡游了。The queen went on a walkabout in toronto today.在比赛前,迈克。舒马赫驾车巡游一圈,向车迷挥手致意。Michael schumacher waves t0the fans0n a parade lap before the lace.


巡游 cruising

巡游...进行宣传 stump over

巡游半径 cruising radius

巡游法官 itinerant justice

巡游路 pilgrims way

考斯特牌汽车 Coaster

考斯特牌汽车 Coaster

