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迟延的英文翻译 迟延英文怎幺说 迟延的英文例句




    to delay

delay [di'lei]

    v.耽搁,延迟,延期,迟滞 n.耽搁,延迟,迟滞


请即派员前来,勿再迟延。Please send them here without further delay.我对他的迟延答覆感到不耐烦。I was impatient at his delay in answering.百姓等候撒迦利亚,当他在殿里迟延的时候,他们都希奇。And the people were waiting for zachariah and they marveled at his delaying in the temple.说完了,就开门逃跑,不要迟延。Then open the door and flee and tarry not.


不可避免的迟延 unavoidable delay

不应当的迟延 undue delay

使...迟延 keep at retard; kept at retard

债权人迟延受偿 default of creditor

免除迟延违约责任 exemption from liabilities for deferred performance

分配迟延 distributed lag

判决迟延执行 delay in the execution of the judgment

到期货价迟延付款费 late charge

后期迟延 anaphase lag

承运人因迟延所负的责任 carrier liability for delay

支付迟延支付金 defray deferred payment

数位迟延信号发生器 digital delay generator

无迟延通信 no delay service

机器必要迟延宽限 allowance for necessary machine delay

机器必要迟延的宽限 allowance for necessary machine delay

正常的迟延 normal delay

毫不迟延地 without delay

点火迟延时间测试器 ignition delay tester

着火迟延 ignition delay; ignition lag

给付迟延 delay in performance

迟延 arrearage; lagging

迟延交付 delay in deliverance

迟延交货 deferred delivery

迟延付款 delay in payment

迟延信用 deferred credit

迟延债务 deferred liability

迟延入口 deferred entry

迟延出口 deferred exit

迟延完工 delayed completion of construction

迟延履约 default

