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置疑的英文翻译 置疑英文怎幺说 置疑的英文例句




    to doubt

doubt [daut]

    n.怀疑,疑惑,疑问 v.怀疑,不信,拿不准,恐怕


他的勇气和献身精神是无可置疑的。His courage and commitment are unquestionable.他忠于信念,这是无可置疑的。The sincerity of his beliefs is unquestionable.她任教的能力是无可置疑的。Her competence as a teacher is unquestionable.我父亲在财务方面的杰出才能是不容置疑的。No one doubted the preeminence of my father in financial matters.我建立了一个无可置疑的…I have established an undeniable...我们的坚持能力是不容置疑的。Let no one doubt our staying power.这些诗据信是萨福所作,但其真实性令人置疑。The poems are supposed to be by sappho but they are actually of doubtful authenticity.


不容置疑 beyond all doubt; incontestable; incontrovertable; indisputable; indubitable; irrebuttable; unarguable; unequivocal; unexceptionable

不容置疑条款 incontestability clause

不容置疑的 unassailable

不容置疑的法律推定 conclusive presumptions; irrebuttable presumptions

合理置疑证书 certificate of reasonable doubt

无可置疑 indisputableness; out of dispute

无可置疑的新产品 unquestionably new product

无可置疑的证据 uncontrovertible proof

毋庸置疑 beyond all doubt

毋庸置疑的证据 mathematical evidence

证实无可置疑 proof beyond a reasonable doubt

