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散步的英文翻译 散步英文怎幺说 散步的英文例句




    to take a walk
    to go for a walk

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

walk [wɔ:k]

    vi.步,行,走 n.步行,散步,步,行道


我们在哪儿散步好?Where can we take a walk?我去散步是为了能醒酒。L went for a walk to try to sober up.我通常都在早上散步。I usually take a walk mornings.我喜欢在温暖的阳光下散步。I like taking a walk in the mildness sunshine.我要到户外去散步。I am going out for a walk in the open air.我在树林里散步。I walk in the woods.我最喜欢的消遣活动是到海边散步。My favorite pastime is strolling along the shore.一个正在散步的粗心的cylon人An unwary cylon going for a stroll一天,汤在一片开阔的田野里散步。One day tang was having a walk in the open country.游泳是一种比散步更为激烈的日常锻炼。Swimming is a more strenuous daily exercise than walking.注意滑行道上散步的人们。Caution walk men on the taxiway.那天我正沿着博马舍林荫道散步,身上装着我妻子从美国赶忙寄来的一百多法郎,很阔气。Beaumarchais rich by a hundred francs or so which my wife cabled from america.


在...处散步 walk round

在街上散步 did the block; do the block; done the block

外出散步 trot out; trotted out

带...散步 take for

散散步 stretch their legs

散步 take a stroll; take a walk; taken a stroll

散步区 pedestrian space

散步灯笼裤 hiking breeches

林荫散步道 alameda

海滨散步 board waik

