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质询的英文翻译 质询英文怎幺说 质询的英文例句




    to question
    to enquire

question [kwestʃ(ә)n]

    n.问题,疑问,询问 v.询问,审问,怀疑

enquire [ɪnˈkwaɪər]



蔡素玉议员就旧天星码头钟楼拆卸工程提出一项质询。Hon choy so-yuk raised a question on demolition project for the old star ferry pier clock tower.李华明议员就“街市空气质素调查”提出质询。Hon fred li wah-ming raised a question on "survey on air quality of markets"刘皇发议员就检讨边境禁区的覆盖範围提出书面质询。Hon lau wong-fat raised a written question on review of coverage of fca.田北俊议员就开放沙头角禁区提出口头质询。Hon james tien raised an oral question on opening up of sha tau kok fca.我不是对你表达我的质询,机器人。I was not directing my inquiry to you organic.一切当权者都应该受到质询。All authority should be questioned.作业展示出质询之範畴和讨论複杂性之间适合的相互影响。The work shows a suitable interplay of scope of inquiry and intricacy of discussion.产品emi电磁干扰&ems电磁耐受度与相关认证问题解说与疑难质询服务。Unit worldwide emi& ems problematic consultant service.我想提起程式质询。I would like to raise a point of order.


书面质询 interrogation; written interrogatories

书面质询答覆 interrogatory answer

受质询机关 consulted organ

提出质询 bombard with

议会中的质询 questions in parliament

质询 address inquiries to; ask for an explanation

质询对象 object to which inquiries are addressed

质询时间 question time

质询权 right to address questions

质询条款 interpellation clause

质询案 bill of addressing inquiries

起立提出质询 rose to order

