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植物检疫的英文翻译 植物检疫英文怎幺说 植物检疫的英文例句



[zhíwù jiǎnyì]

    plant quarantine;plant sanatation;plant health;phyto-sanitary

plant [pla:nt; (-) 'plænt]

    n.植物,庄稼,工厂,车间,设备 vt.种植,栽培,培养,安置 vi.种植

quarantine [kwɔrәnti:n; (-) 'kwɔ:r-]

    n.检疫,隔离,(政治或商业上的)封锁,检疫期间 vt.检疫,使在政治或商业上孤立


农业部植物检疫实验所Plant quarantine institute ministry of agriculture为什幺要实施动植物检疫?Why should carry out move plant quarantine?本文解答了森林植物检疫的三个核心问题。Three core questions of forest plant quarantine are answered.关键字植物检疫,截获,有害生物。Key words plant quarantine interception pest.薰蒸是植物检疫处理中最广泛使用的方法。Fumigation is the most widely used method for plant quarantine treatment.中华人民共和国进出境动植物检疫法Law of the people's republic of china on the entry and exit animal and plant quarantine


中华人民共和国动植物检疫机关 animal and plant quarantine organs of the People''s Republic of China

动植物检疫 quarantine of animals and plants

动植物检疫机关 animal and plant quarantine agency; animal and plant quarantine department

卫生和植物检疫措施委员会 Committee on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

卫生或植物检疫保护的适当水準 approprite level of sanitary or phytosanitary protection

口岸动植物检疫机关 port animal and plant quarantine authorities

植物检疫 plant quarantine

植物检疫条例 plant quarantine regulation

植物检疫法 plant quarantine law

植物检疫证 plant quarantine certificate

植物检疫证书 plant quarantine certification

植物检疫证明书,植物检疫证 plant quarantine certificate

进出境动植物检疫 entry and exit quarantine for animals and plants

採用卫生和植物检疫措施的决定 Decision by Contracting Parties on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

