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指望的英文翻译 指望英文怎幺说 指望的英文例句




    to hope for sth
    to count on

hope [hәup]

    n.希望,信心 v.希望,盼望,期待,信赖


    abbr 缩写 = South: Sth Pole, eg on a map 南极(如标于地图上的)

count [kaunt]

    v.数,计算,计算在内,认为,有价值 n.计数,计算,注意,伯爵


他们最大的指望就是找个临时住处。The best they can hope for is to get temporary accommodation.他指望靠温和的威吓来使客人们循规蹈矩吗?Does she count on suave bullying to keep the visitors in line?她两眼含泪,问他怎能指望她在这样的情形下继续留在桑菲尔德。She asks him tearfully how he can expect her to remain on at thornfield under the circumstances.我并不指望我这一生中能碰上太平盛世。I do not expect the millennium to come during my lifetime.我不指望你会试试你的万能钥匙I don't suppose you tried your passkey.我不指望你能解开我的皮带Hey I don't suppose you can unstrap me for...我的老小子已经读大学了,就指望他光耀门庭了。My youngest son has already entered university. I am counting on him to bring fame to the family.我们指望你的支持。We reckon on your support.我们指望你取得成功。We calculate on your success.我指望你的支持。I reckon on your support.一条湍急的河流佛勒革同河环绕四周,没有谁能指望逃出去,躲避惩罚。Surrounded by phlegethon the fiery river no criminal could ever hope to escape from its punishment.这幺一来我只好指望上天了。Well I must depend on providence.政府是楼市最大庄家我们指望谁来平抑房价?The government is the largest market makers we expect prices will stabilize?


坚持做没有指望的事 send the axe after the hatchet; sent the ax after the helve

指望 presume

指望中的 in expectation

指望的 in expection

指望着 with an eye to

指望过度 overbuilt

毫无指望的人 gone coon

被指望 be counted on to

