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吃药的英文翻译 吃药英文怎幺说 吃药的英文例句



[chī yào]

    to take medicine

take [teik]

    v.拿,拿走,取,抓,佔领,获得,接受,感受 n.捕获量

medicine [meds(ә)n; (-) 'medisn]

    n.药,医学,内科学,内服药 vt.给...用药


他尚未痊癒, 仍需吃药。He is not yet well enough to dispense with the pills.定时吃药,每天三次。Take the medicine regularly three times a day.父亲必须在每点钟准点吃药丸。Father must take his pill on the hour.兰道和派克都特别健康,吃药很少,没有大病。Both landau and parker are remarkably healthy.they take few medications and have no major illnesses.他们要不时地吃药和卧床休息。They'd take pills and lie up a bit from time to time.按时吃药很有必要。To take medicine on time is necessary.你得按时吃药,对吧?You taking medicine for the thing right?马富•亚伯特以为我在吃药Marv albert thinks I'm on medication.你在吃药,scott?You taking drugs scott?我老婆每天早晨提醒我吃药。My wife reminds me to take medicine every morning.我生病的时候,不得不每天吃药。When I was sick I had to take medicine every day.

