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三轮的英文翻译 三轮英文怎幺说 三轮的英文例句



[sān lún]

    third wheel

third [θә:d]


wheel [wi:l; (-) hwi:l]



那个小女孩丢弃了她的三轮车。The little girl abandoned her tricycle.三轮车,明轮船(靠浆轮推动行进的船)A three-wheeler; a paddle-wheeler.史蒂夫?海威的球队在第三轮的比赛中刚刚以2-1击败了西部罗姆维奇。Steve heighway's side beat west bromwich albion2-1in their third round tie recently.是水下三轮车比赛。Is the underwater tricycle race.她的小儿子在骑三轮脚踏车。Her small son was riding his tricycle.我和兄弟骑三轮车比赛。I remember racing my brother in the tricycle.我失业的时候就去蹬三轮车。When unemployed I went to drive a pedicab.一个山东农民蹬三轮车把87岁的母亲带到北京游览。A shandong farmer rode a trike and took his87-year old motherto visit beijing.现在,你用三轮车载我And now you drive me in the pedicab.有个侧挂在三轮车上的的标誌坏了One of the side signs got destroyed on the pedicab.这可怜的小家伙从他的三轮童车上摔下来了。The poor little fellow fell off his tricycle.


三轮人力车 pedicab

三轮卡 motor tricycle

三轮压路机 3-wheel roller

三轮型中耕拖拉机 tricycle-type row-crop tractor

三轮小车 three wheeler; threewheeler

三轮摩托车 motor tricycle

三轮汽车 tricar

三轮汽车 tricar

三轮泵 three-wheel pump

三轮滑车 n. treble block

三轮车 pedicab; tri truck; tritruck

三轮载货汽车 tri truck; tritruck

三轮运货车 carrier tricycle

三轮运输车 three-wheel transporter

串联式三轮压路机 three-roll tandem roller

儿童三轮车 child''s tricycle

农用三轮运输车 agricultural three-wheel transporter

机动三轮车 cycle car

电动三轮车 electro-tricycle

货运三轮摩托车 freight motor triwheeler

轻便三轮车 light tri-wheeler

轻便轨道三轮车 velocipede

载客三轮车 pedicab

